Church on the Cape - United Methodist
A community church in Cape Porpoise, Maine
Every Day Generosity
"A generous person will prosper; whoever refreshes others will be refreshed." Proverbs 11:25
Online Giving
To make a onetime or recurring gift, click the button below and follow the simple instructions.
For enhanced security, you will verify your identity with your cell phone number.
Want some help? Watch this brief tutorial on how to use the online form.

Smart Device App
To download the app to your smart device, click the button below. Once added, make a onetime or recurring gift.
Want some help? Watch this brief tutorial on how to use the smart device app.
Have a question or need more assistance?
Send an email to: webmaster@churchonthecape.org
We'll reach out to you directly.
Text to Give
Text "GIVE" to (207) 687-1967
You will be asked to register your bank for your credit card information if it is your first time. After that, you can simply text to give. Or text EDIT to update your information, set up a recurring gift and check the status of a gift.
Want some help? Watch this brief tutorial on how to use text to give.
All sensitive information is stored with the highest bank level security. Your phone number will never be sold, traded, or given to third parties.
Other ways to give
U.S Mail or offering envelop drop off
Make checks payable to:
Church On The Cape United Methodist
P.O. Box 2740
Kennebunkport, Maine 04046