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For those of you who may not be familiar with Clynk, it is a program designed to help people turn their returnable bottles and cans into cash, either for themselves or for one of their favorite partner oranizations. 

In January 2019 the Church on the Cape (COTC) became a partner organization, giving us the ability to raise extra money throughout the year for missions outreach. 


In 2023 we raised over $400 through the 'CLYNK To Give" redemption program.  To all of you who have participated - thank you so much!


You can track our progress throughout the year by going to the following website: 



  1. Scroll down to "Find a Partner"

  2. Enter Church on the Cape in the search field

  3. Click Submit


The website will show you the positive environmental impact and the total amount raised to date.  For those of you would would like to help, Clynk bags are now available 24 hours a day outside the church on the covered porch by the mailbox.  Please feel free to take a bag, fill it with returnable bottles and cans, and drop it off at any Hannaford/CLYNK location. 

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