Church on the Cape - United Methodist
A community church in Cape Porpoise, Maine
Why I Come to The Church on the Cape:
In November 2023 congregants were asked to answer this: "Why do I come to The Church on the Cape?" The answers flowed in with love, enthusiasm, and passion about the church's warmth, faith, friendship, and music. All of the written answers are listed below. Imagine all the answers still in our hearts but not yet written.
The joyful noise!
Music! Music! Music! Sorry Sammie…Susie G.
The sweet and kind people (ALL). The music is great
The music here is my favorite thing plus the great sermons to think about.
Wonderful people and music.
Friendly – a lot of wonderful people. Enjoy! Lis
So happy to be a part of a wonderful choir of faith.
I love this church and all the people in it. Roberta Sanborn
I love COTC because
It’s where I know that God dwells.
I feel the Holy Spirit wrapping my whole body with love and comfort.
I am hugged by the people in this church which nourished my soul.
I love to sing
Elaine Triplett
The sermons speak to me so that I feel better, more hopeful and well adjusted after the service. I am always glad I came. It is good to hear these things once a week. Also, I feel welcome and comfortable here.
Loving and welcoming home.
The music, the windows, the sermons, and the friendliness.
Friendly, community, music ❤️
I like the music – choir and congregational singing, and the preaching and fellowship.
I love so many things about this church! ❤️
Feeling of community
A warm welcome from Nancy and other choir members 6 months ago
Picking up the enthusiasm and dedication demonstrated by Dave Emery
who drew me in… -
And, not least, the love and support of Priscilla and Ross Wyman.
With love, Ellen Conway
Warm and welcoming environment with smiling people enjoying a relaxed atmosphere in beautiful surroundings.
It is a wonderful family!
Community of special people ~ Many now are closest friends. Our support of area’s people and need programs too.
Many things…
Music worship and revitalization
Outreach and members and those in need
Caring for our edifice and systems.
No words – just love it here – feel love here.
I love the community and music brings joy to my heart.
Friendly people, great music!
Starting my week at COTC makes every day special. (signed with initials SR)
Everyone is so friendly and the singing is great!
The spirit
I come because I feel at home and the friendship ~ Judy