Church on the Cape - United Methodist
A community church in Cape Porpoise, Maine
United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR)
Through the United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR), Church on the Cape gave to many national and international projects in 2023 including Vermont and Maui, Hawaii, and relief efforts in Turkey, Syria, and Ukraine. Please refer to the chart below. In all, our church gave over $58,000!
Also, through UMCOR Church on the Cape supported six special Sundays in 2023:
Human Relations Sunday
UMCOR Sunday
Peace with Justice Sunday
Native Americal Sunday
World Communion Sunday
United Methodist Student Sunday ​

General church apportionment that support work around the world:
10.2% World Service Fund supporting ministries, programs and mission work in this country and around the world. Also many conference mission projects apply for and receive grants through the World Service Fund including: Spiral Arts in Portland, ME.
1.4% Black College Fund supports 8 historically black colleges throughout the United States
0.3% Africa University Fund provides support to United Methodist related Africa University in Zimbabwe 3.0% Episcopal Fund supports Episcopal offices throughout the connection, retired bishops, and work of College of Bishops
3.4% Ministerial Education Fund supports clergy education both locally and nationally
0.3% Interdenominational Cooperation Fund supports our work with other Christian bodies and interfaith activities
1.2% General Administration Fund support general administrative work of church including General Conference
1.9% for the Connectional Mission share (anticipated unpaid apportionments)
9.1% Spiritual Life:
Nicaragua and West Angola covenants
Campus Ministries
Youth ministries and five sites for camping and conferencing
2.7% Vital Faith Communities
Regional and rural ministries
Urban Ministries
Congregational development, new church starts, town & country, urban committee
Parish Consultants
1.7% Diversity/Inclusivity
Six state Councils of Churches
Asian and Hispanic Commissions and Native American Ministries
1.5% Leadership Developments
Board of Laity
Leadership Committee
1.7% Stewardship and other
Print electronic communications, including the E-Clergy Catalyst and the NEC Web Page
Video and print resources available for loan to local churches for educational and mission programs for the Connectional Mission Share (anticipated unpaid apportionments)
1.3% health benefits for retired pastors, spouses and survivors and disabled clergy pension coverage.
2.7% funds Conference's share of the Episcopal operations expenses
27.0% provided salaries, housing and office expenses for 9 district superintendents and their ministries
4.6% deploys clergy; including education, continuing education, provides grants for pastoral needs, funding for the Board of
Ordained Ministry, and provides equitable salary support for churches where there are critical needs.
13.5% ministry of the administrative boards, agencies and staff, Conference financial management, insurance,
legal services, and our Conference Offices, and other
7.7% for the Connecitional Mission Share (anticipated unpaid apportionments)
Mission Share Giving: What's in it for our church?
Trains lay speakers, subsidizes seminary education for your clergy, provides youth ministry, provides health benefits for retired and disabled clergy and families, helps start new churches, helps identify grant money for churches, provides consultants for churches, stewardship training, develops curriculum for Sunday Schools, provides scholarships, develops Disciple Bible Study, trains and develops missionaries, provides counsel for treasurers and trustees, appoints a pastor to your church, administers pension and health benefits and local church insurance programs, works for an inclusive denomination, provides equitable and strategic compensation to pastors, supports 3 camps and a conference center, holds
annual conference sessions, and much, much more!
Mission Share Giving: What's in it for others?
Helps supply UMCOR with disaster relief kits, funds Health Clinics, sends out 1,812 missionaries around the world, supports urban ministry in Boston, Lawrence, Portland, Worcester, Providence and more, supports rural ministries throughout New England, helps send Volunteers in Mission throughout the US and abroad, supports a covenant la Iglesia de Cristo en Nicaragua, supports Africa University, advocates for a living wage, helps women experiencing crises, opposes use of landmines, works to eradicate racism, feeds hungry children and families in our Conference and beyond, supports the Black College Fund, supports economic ministries in Western Maine, supports ministries to college students, advocates for our environment, opposes the death penalty, opposes legalized gambling, provides scholarships for
students around the world, funds 225 retirement homes, 70 hospitals, 8 two-year
colleges, 82 four-year colleges, and 13 seminaries, and much, much more!