Church on the Cape - United Methodist
A community church in Cape Porpoise, Maine
Hands-on ministries
We are a hands-on faith community
Our faith family works to support our community and people around the world in small but significant ways throughout the year.
Knitting group
A group of highly skilled and dedicated knitters meets weekly to create prayer shawls, newborn caps, mittens, and other items to distribute to those in need.

Sock Ministry
Every year our faith family raises money to donate hundreds of socks to the Grace Street Ministry in Portland, Maine. This organization hands out those socks to the homeless during the long winter months and throughout the year. Our support had earned us the proud title of the "sock church" among the people they serve.

Veterans ministry

Veterans Day, 2018
Veterans Day fell on a Friday giving our youth an opportunity to serve a special luncheon to our veterans. The vets told stories of their service, brought memorabilia and the youth asked questions and listened with focused attention. The afternoon was a time to exchange experiences and educate.
Flag Raising Ceremony
The veterans in our church came together for an early morning Veterans' Day ceremony. At 8:00 a.m., Chief Dave Chisholm raised the flag as Chris Humphrey played the call on his trumpet.
A fabulous breakfast was prepared by Sue Stedman, Jessie Howard, Rev. Ann Nelson, and Pastor Ruth Merriam. Roy Bruton reminded us of the historical context of Armistice Day opening up further discussion about those we knew who fought and died or survived in WWI.
From Wikipedia:
"Armistice Day is commemorated every year on 11 November to mark the armistice signed between the Allies of World War I and Germany at Compiègne, France, for the cessation of hostilities on the Western Front of World War I, which took effect at eleven o'clock in the morning—the "eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month" of 1918. While this official date to mark the end of the war reflects the ceasefire on the Western Front, hostilities continued in other regions."
This was the second meeting of our Veterans' Ministry. Each attendee left with a new coffee cup, emblazoned with a picture of our church, the UMC logo, the American flag and the caption, "Veterans for Christ."
Thank you, Chris Bent, for the kind gift.

Returning veterans from the Iraq and Afghanistan wars face particularly difficult challenges. One of our members spoke of his service in Iraq and his personal turmoil upon returning home. Brad Howard's testament is both disturbing and powerful as he recounts his combat experiences. He then focuses on God and family in dealing with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. His comments display both insight and courage.

The first Veterans' Ministry gathering, October 2014
The picture is historic. It shows the participants at our first breakfast held in October 2014. Our thanks to Sue Stedman and Jessie Howard for making it a tasty reality.
We discovered that our common background could inspire some united activity or ministry. Such as an individual one hour visit with a local vet in assisted living or maybe a Church on the Cape flag raising ceremony on Saturday morning, weekly or monthly...
We also discussed that this ministry would make veterans more visible than just in parades or at memorials. Maybe we should quietly set out to accomplish something. One small step at a time. Kids look up to vets.... they need to hear from us more often.
God Bless You,
Chris Bent