Church on the Cape - United Methodist
A community church in Cape Porpoise, Maine
Click on the links below to read about the early history of the Church, significant events, and memorable congregants.
Of Easters Past - Read Easter reflections from Franicis Landry, 1950's with a choir photo from 1955. Unfortunately we don't know names. Can you recognize anyone? Also, a nostalgic look down Langsford Rd., 1930's. All material submitted by Tom Bradbury March, 2024.
Church Beginnings - COTC started in 1727 and has a rich and long history. With fits and starts it grew and prevailed. Today our church continues to gather with a congregation unequaled in ability and enthusiasm.
Boston Cane - Bartlett, 2023 - Lillian Bartlett, 98, of Church on the Cape, received the Boston Post Golden Cane, an honor bestowed upon the oldest resident in Kennebunkport, on Nov. 21.
The Cargo Shop and the Cargo Ship's Fair - The annual Church on the Cape's Ship’s Cargo Fair began in the 1950's and continues to be a quintessential, small-town Americana experience.